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Araya Mini Soccer Stadium,
aremania (guest)
16 years ago:
Yeh.. nawak nawak aremaisme suka main futsal disini... its good..
Bina Bangsa Christian School,
catseye75 (guest)
16 years ago:
what you all have written are lies.These are unfounded lies and there is any trace of truth to it.
I have been with BBCS for a long time now and my children were educated properly..they are doing well now and I credit that to how the school trained and educated my children.
BBCS is a christian school in any aspect.The leaders as well as the teachers are all good in conduct.
Depot Rawon Enak,
16 years ago:
di dekat situ juga ada rumahnya mas Naufan
Universitas Kanjuruhan,
Titik Mujiarty (guest)
16 years ago:
helllo....i'm arty.can you help me??
i don't know where kanjuruan unervisity,please you help me with give me rute in there from mojokerto
BTR Ciliwung 61,
guest (guest)
16 years ago:
Gus Hudi
Sd Narotama 1-4 , (guest)
16 years ago:
ane dulu skul disini di sd 2...duhh kangen...
jono (guest)
16 years ago:
ypulsa is the best :D
Department of Physics Brawijaya University,
Affan Geofisika 2001 (guest)
16 years ago:
Tempat menimba ilmu yang penuh kenangan...
MTs N Malang 1 ,
Affan lulus 97 (guest)
16 years ago:
Wah sekolahku, Masuk '94 MTs mulai dibangun Pak Jalil. Sekarang udah makin TOP!
Hutan Kota Malabar,
Affan Geofisika Brawijaya (guest)
16 years ago:
Aku Lulus Gara-gara Hutan Kota Malabar. Selamatkan!!!
Smu Negeri 1 Malang,
Affan 2000 (guest)
16 years ago:
wah sekolah ku... Salam Mitreka !
kaldera toko alat gunung,
lingkar cahaya (guest)
16 years ago:
salam untuk temen2 Diaz Kaldera dari Pak Solihin Lumajang. Kapan latihan SAR
Yogya Departement Store Malang, (guest)
16 years ago:
I bought some brim in this shop My driver said the best Brim comes from pasurawan and we found some from there i bought six packets.
i had never tried it, i took a piece, and had a very large bite I thought i would choke it was so dry and tasted like a cross between brewers yeast and vegimite. It expanded in my mouth and i had to drink warm coke to save myself from getting oxygen deprivation. Thank you malang for another wonderful experience
Regent Park Hotel, (guest)
16 years ago:
I once stayed in the regent park hotel however i was told by the person who booked it for me it was the regent hotel as in the then International chain. I pictured large manicuered grounds and gardens numourous pools waterfalls and water features. Clearly this was wish full thinking though not unwarrented had it been the hotel I belived it to be.
I was escaping surabaya for a break.At the time I was working In Noro. and was told malang was agood place to go to see apples. So too is the fruit section of tops supermarket in Margorojo. Im from NewZealand we have some pretty good apples down there. So it was a change not apples that took me to malang. As it was there was not even an apple in the fruit bowl at the hotel.
SMEA Shallahudin,
munawar (guest)
16 years ago:
nggon iki yo podo sma soladulin biyen sekolahanku luluse 92
SMA Negeri 5 Malang ( Eks Sekolah Ma Chung),
danice 12520 (guest)
16 years ago:
SMAN5 malng menjadi kebanggaan kota malang
Neo Breakerz Crew..comunitas breakers SMALA
yang menunjukan bahwa Berkembangnya
breakdance di kota Malang
Universitas Gajayana Malang,
Timoteo - Dili -Timor Les (guest)
16 years ago:
Hi Kampusku Uniga, pa kabar dah lama saya tidak kemalang harapan saya UNIGA tetap Memberikan yang terbaik kepada mahasiswanya, terimah kasih saya yang tak terhingga kepad semua Dosen dan staff pengajar di Uniga atas semua kebaikan mereka dalam memberikan yang terbaik kepada para mahasiswanya termasuk saya. saya alumni tahun 2006 sekarang kerja di Dili- Timor Leste pada bidang Investasi dalam pasar modal.
klo ada yang mahasiswa Uniga yang membaca pesan ini atau ada petugas di Uniga yang membacanya saya titipkan salam buat mereka seperti Bapak Nugroho, beliu adalah dosen pembimbing skripsi saya salam hormat saya kepada beliau, bapak Wahyudi dosen matakuliah masalah dan kebijakan pembangunan, Ibu Ani dosen dan ketua program studi saya serta terimah kasih kepada bapak Teguh yang mengajarkan saya mata kuliah Manajemen Perbankan serta dosen-dosen yang lainnya.
harapan saya Uniga tetap jaya dan sukses mencetak sarjana-sarjan yang siap bersaing dengan sarjana dari jebolan PT yang lain.
Kepada rekan seangkatan saya, semoga ilmu yang kita peroleh bermanfaat bagi kita semua.
Terimah kasih
Timoteo Gomes Pires
University of Brawijaya (UB),
yudi (guest)
16 years ago:
nyari kos yang murah dimana ya??? aq dapet beasiswa s2 dimalang, tp belum tau apa2 ttg malang
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